Articles Search Results

Random access delay in a Quiz

An example of random access delay   Overview: This guide will show you what the function of random delay access works.   What to know: This function can decrease the system pressure in high concurrency situation, such as exams in big classes, i Read More

How to add a Quiz activity

An example of the Quiz activity Overview: This guide will show you how to add a Quiz activity. The Quiz is a very powerful activity that can meet many teaching needs, from simple, multiple-choice knowledge tests to complex, self-assessment Read More

Step 2 - Define activity completion

An example of completion conditions   Overview: This guide will show you how to define the activity completion for each activity that you want to be applied to the Level-Up rule. Please refer to the Level-up information portal for an exam Read More

Assignment report

An example of the Assignment report   Overview: This guide will show you how to view and download the report/documents for Assignment activity.   What to know: The Assignment report is on the module level page, but not inside each assignment act Read More

Workshop FAQ

Question: How are the grades calculated? Please make sure you read carefully this article explaining workshop grading and grading strategies : Workshop grading calculation strategies  Question: How can I get the workshop to switch phase automati Read More

Coursework - Use grading sheet

An example of the Coursework grading sheet   Overview: This guide will show you how to use the grading sheet to grade the students. Grading sheet can be used as offline marking.   What to know: The grading sheet of coursework Read More

Coursework - Submission marking process

An example of the Coursework activity   Overview: This guide will show you the marking process on coursework activity.   What to know: Teachers (assessors 1 to assessor 3) and module leaders will mark the submission at differe Read More

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